What is the role of Developmental Pediatrician (DP)?

Evaluation of a child with special needs to assess his functional level by using standardized tools to assess his gross motor function, fine motor function, language, communication skills, self-help skills and adaptive skills.

 DP evaluates the child’s behavior and attention and how it affects his learning, home dynamics, social interaction and independence.

DP evaluates the impact of child’s performance from medical condition such as prematurity, complications at birth, CNS infections, trauma and environmental factors such as prenatal exposure to toxins, abuse and neglect.

DP counsels the family on the child’s functional level and parental role in enhancing his skills and behavior management.

DP advocates for the care and treatment guidelines by service providers. 

Children can be referred to our office for evaluation of : 

  • Global developmental delay
  • Speech and language delay
  • Behavior problems
  • Autistic spectrum disorder
  • ADHD , Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Learning difficulties - reading, writing, comprehension and math
  • Visual and hearing impaired children
  • School failure
  • Cerebral Palsy
  • Evaluation and monitoring pre term babies
  • Anxiety disorders and selective mutism
  • Evaluation for medication management
  • As part of Early Intervention services and Child Study Team.